Her Own Legacy

Chateau de Verzat Series – Book 1

Headstrong Countess Joliette de Verzat prefers secretly managing her family’s Loire Valley château and vineyards to the cut-throat politics of Versailles. For nearly three centuries, generations of families have toiled to produce Château de Verzat wines, and their homes and livelihoods depend upon Joliette. But ancient laws block her from inheriting property—unless she is widowed.

Revolution erupts. Thousands of women march on Versailles. Caught in the battle, Joliette risks her own life to save her lover’s. She flees to Paris, blazing with hatred for aristocrats, where she discovers her illegitimate half-brother, Henri—the secret rightful heir who disdains the nobility to which he unknowingly belongs.

As insurrection mounts, Joliette faces heartbreaking choices. She must risk all that she loves and trust the people she has saved to save her.

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Borchert’s passionate tale is the first installment of the Château de Verzat series. …multifaceted…sustained intrigue…effervescent… A compelling wine tale…

Kirkus Reviews

This captivating novel immerses you in the breathless tumult of the French Revolution. Borchert’s broad historical sweep entwined with her inspiring characters’ most intimate details is truly masterful.

JoAnne Tompkins, author of What Comes After

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Borchert’s historical work is a marvel.

Independent Review of Books

…a beautifully written novel. Borchert makes you want to read the next book.

Historical Novel Society Magazine
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Readers who love stories of determined women seizing opportunities history too often denied them will relish Joliette’s story. This accomplished historical novel finds a young woman making her own choices as revolution sweeps France.

Publishers Weekly BookLife Editor's Pick

With an equally eloquent and dynamic tone, the novel is an immersive piece of historical fiction —both thorough and concise in historical detail—which stands up against other works of this storied time. Charming, gracefully written, with moments of true excitement.

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