Discussion Questions
In a book club? Here are a few questions to fuel your group’s discussion of Her Own War.
- Why do you think Aurélia is mute?
- Were you surprised by the events of Aurélia’s rescue?
- Do you think Aurélia’s actions in the bordel were justified? Why or why not?
- Can you relate to Geneviève’s not keeping her word? Have there been times when you’ve not been able to keep your word?
- Did Louis do the right thing when he traded his freedom for Geneviève’s and joined Bonaparte’s army? Can you see any other choice he could or should have made?
- Were you surprised by Tante Nicole’s confession of having been a spy most of her life?
- Although hiding Aurélia was a crime, did Geneviève and Joliette do the right thing? If you had been in their position, what would you have done?
- Geneviève risked her and her children’s lives as well as all the people on the estate when she spied against the Republic. Was she right to do so? Have you ever done the wrong thing for the right reason?
- Joliette suggests to Geneviève to share the risk of sheltering Royalists with all the families on the estate, which was a risk. Were they right in involving the other families in the decision?
- Do you think Joliette also spied?
- Louis could have saved himself if he abandoned his men. Why do you think he didn’t leave them?
- Murat was humiliated and treated with disrespect by Louis’s father. Did this experience justify Murat’s actions toward Louis LaGarde?
- Why do you think Murat saved Louis’s life?
- Was Murat’s comeuppance deserved? Sufficient?
- Was Geneviève’s action toward Suzanne justified?
- Was Aurélia right in her action against the Capitain?
- Do you think Geneviève and Louis will continue to spy for the return of the future king of France?